Halo Zero is a game you should't miss If you have ever played a halo game before. It's free so go try it now!

User Rating: 7.3 | Halo Zero PC
Halo Zero....Halo zero.....
First I hadn't a clue what it meant but after playing the game for 1 minute you'll figure it out. The game's story is set before Halo 1 so that makes this halo zero. A 2D side scrolling shooting game.

After a few seconds of story telling, the game sets off in what seams to be a hidden shelter where the spartans are being kept. It seems that almost all spartans are destroyed and you (master chief) are the last one alive. After a escape you'll get some more levels including riding and shooting. Eventually you'll end at the piller of autum, the ship where halo 1 begins.
The gameplay would get repetitive if the developers would have made the game longer. Luckily they didn't. I played the game out on easy and it took me less then 15 minutes. But that's okay since it's free. The graphics aren't that great but who cares, it's free. The game has a real halo feel, partly because of the sounds (halo's original music tunes) And mostly because of the lay out (completely the way of halo 1). This increases the value a lot and since them game is no longer then 30 minutes, the tilt effect doesn't have time to leave. I recommend it to every one, especially halo players and fans of course.