Definitely a great game for people who want some simple and quick fun either at work or at home, highly addictive.
The game is (as mentioned) set in a 2 dimension view. But don't let this scare you off. The game is surprisingly well made, and you should quickly find out how things work out. It might not be as difficult as it should be.
The real challenge comes when you unlock the mythic difficulty mode!
Only a small minus because of the few number of levels.
You might think it's all easy just because it's 2D? If you think you can run through all the covenants without dying, you're wrong. The level design in this game is very nice. And when you've played this for a while you figure out new ways of doing stuff, finding new strategies, etc.
Some of the funniest moments in my opinion is when the stupid grunts through grenades at themself. Lets say there are three yellow and one red grunt. Just at the moment when the red grunt is about to throw a grenade at you, you run towards the yellow ones and the grenade (of course) hit them.
You will not find out how fun this game is until you've tried it!