A great game that I surprisingly liked!
User Rating: 8.5 | Halo Zero PC
Halo Zero at first sounds like a cheap flash game, especially because it is fan made. But when you first start the campaign, you realize that Halo Zero is an addictive game that somehow is similar to the FPS you already know. The campaign was very fun and enjoyable, but I was disappointed that in only a little more than an hour, I had finished the game. I then realized that I had only beat it on Normal, so I will have to try it on Legendary. The story is poorly told, though, but the game play will make up for it. (For most people). The game does have online play, but you will be pretty lucky to find someone else playing. I have not played online with anyone yet, but from the looks of it, it seems like it should be fun. Like Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo Zero requires skill and brains, and not to mention the occasional shotgun. Anyone who likes Halo will most likely love Halo Zero, but get ready to know that there is no story, it is only a side scroller, the only enemies you will fight are Grunts, Jackals, Elites, and Hunters, and there are few weapon choices.
But remember, it is still very fun and it's FREE!
Go download it now!