Not too bad, but does require improvements.
User Rating: 7.7 | Hamsterball PC
Hamsterball is sort of like Super Monkey Ball, only worse, the graphics seem pretty cheap while playing and, if you don't have an IBM processor, then you'll notice black coverings over the 'area' your hamster is, which is just stupid. But the pictures (ranks, the hamster, etc.) are cool and the hamster as portrayed is just cute. The only things which do stand out are its gameplay (multiplayer or Rodent Rumble, to be precise), because its fun using balls to battle in arenas, and the sound, maybe not the Sound Effects but the music is very fun and goes with each track, which are only 15, so your 'career' ends pretty fast if you're good at it. But since all the tracks have their unique features, you may like to play one of them all the time. The 2 last ones are very hard to beat and you'll need some more RAM (128 is recommended, but you'll need about 512) than the game requires because of all the animations going around in the background. And all this is not worth for $20. But if you think it sounds like a good game and think its worth the price, AND if you have an IBM computer, then this game is for you.