Another Cooking Game...

User Rating: 6 | Happy Bakery DS
I got it myself, because I watched the Trailer and it actually looked kinda cute. True, but unfortunately it gets boring very fast.

The Reason for that, it's very repetitive. You look for a Fairy. Bake the new Recipe. Look for another Fairy...and so on.

You can't compare it to Cooking Mama at all. Not really to Happy Cooking either. Because there you can at least do more than adding the 3 basic Ingredients and mix and roll the Dough.

It gets different, because each Recipe has it's own Way for preparing, but in the End, it's the same anyway...


+ cute Design
+ Bakery
+ you can go to different Places
+ dancing Oven

- very repetitive
- it's always the same Way of baking
- it's something we thought is great, but turned out another Direction

As I always say: If you're not sure, weather to buy it or not, rent it first or borrow it from somebody who has it already.