Nothing fantastic though good to kill time while waiting for friends or commuting from one place to another
the game only consists of 2 parts. one it is the little birds tapping its feet while you tap on the screens - a easier verison of Elite Beat Agents and its japanese copy. this is much a scale down version with very lame dance steps and getting thru it is no sweat. the other part is collecting lovelace, seaweeds along the snow while the penguin ski down within a time limit. as you progress, the time limit tightens and you need to hit some fishes or sunrays along the way to get yout time counter extended. both parts alternate each other and the game can bore you after nth times of clearing the stages without much changes to the gameplay.
so far i cleared quite a fair bit since i was waiting for a friend at a bar when he was caught up with work. for a hour, i cleared a fair bit. this game is definitely suitable for kids as they are easy. for almost the same price you pay for charlotte's web, i rather you to get this (IF YOU MUST). of course, there are other much better games around. sometimes, the kids just want it... so get this.