Happy Feet was a game that had a lot of opportunity for greatness. Sadly, this game never showed much potential at ALL!
Now Happy Feet was released in the Cinemas back in 2006 and I actually quite liked it! It was as enjoyable and tragic as Madagascar and as funny as the Shrek series of films. The film was out so that meant the game was out as well. When my brother first got the DS, I found this game fun only because I was playing the DS for the first time. Now as a teen, I find Happy Feet to be (how can I put it) suckish for a casual gamer. Now how do I tell you? On with the review!
The Story is actually tied to the film, so I will only explain it brief to avoid any sort of SPOILERS. The Story is about a Peguin named Mumble who feels out of place because he can't sing (he can only dance). He then sets out on a journey filled with hardships and happiness.
The Controls in the game will be explained in the gameplay paragraph
The Graphics are suprisingly well done. It captures the nature of the film and everything is colorful with great use of polygons and texures.
The gameplay is just and I MEAN JUST belly sliding and tap dancing! Let's first start with the tap dancing aspect of the game. All you do is tap these circles that appear in the touch screen JUST as the soundwaves touch the circles. This activity gets kinda boring after a while but you can't stop yourself from doing so because it is addictive without you wanting it to! Second is the belly sliding aspect. It is when you guide Mumble by using your stylus to guide him through the icy slopes. You slide your stylus left and right to move Mumble. This is basically a watered down version of racing games and it is definatly not fun at all. Overall, boring and uninspired gameplay overall!
The Music is dull and the SFX and voice acting is shallow. Turn on "Shoot to thrill" or "If you want blood" by AC/DC (if you bother to play.)
Happy Feet is one of those games that leaves you wondering, were the developers really that lazy to create a good game instead of a bad game. Let's overview the facts shall we?
The Good: Has the charm of the film, Guys who are starting on the DS will have some fun (for a little while anyway), graphics are fine.
The Bad: Two types of Game modes only!
The Ugly: Sound department is dull, two modes is not fun at all, it is a bad type of addicting, overall really boring game and uninspired gameplay overall!
Title: Bad!
The U