Save your points
GAMEPLAY: I can sum it up in one word, Lemmings. That's it! You have to get the HTF characters from point A to point B through obstacles that can kill them and you have to let them live. Let me get this straight, a flash series where the characters get into situations that result in violent and bloody deaths has a game where the characters have to live? Why did they do that? Speaking of characters, you can't choose a character, you play as Lumpy only, and there are a lot of characters missing as well, there's no Petunia, Cuddles, Lifty and Shifty, Pop and Cub, Handy, Sniffles, or Disco Bear, if you are going to make a HTF game, have everyone in it. There are also glitches in the game that can get your characters trapped and you will have no choice but to kill them.
CONTROLS: They are very broken and very loose, you have to choose a different command, use, fire, freeze, and blast, but when selecting one of these commands, it is easy to screw up since the selector goes all over the place and can get the HTF characters killed, there is also a lack of camera control as well.
GRAPHICS: Acceptable, but not great, they look more like Xbox graphics Xbox 360 graphics.
MUSIC: The only good thing of the game, the music is catchy and nice.
CONCLUSION: The only other thing worth mentioning is that the game had one HTF episode but it was later put onto the HTF website. Overall, this is a broken down mess of a game, bad controls, horrible gameplay, only 1 episode of HTF, and glitches galore, sounds like fun right? Even if you are a HTF fan like me or a die hard fan, just do yourself a favor and stay away from this game forever and just download a better game with your points, like Duke Nukem 3D.