The Chamber of Secrets gives us a repeat performance of the previous game, Nothing else.
The audio is a little bit better this time around but not by much. The soundtrack has improved some but the sound effects are still repetative.
Visuals: 6/10
The visuals arent as good as it was the previous game and has taken a huge step back overall from what they use to be.
Playability: 6/10
Same gameplay from the previous game, Nothing new to it. The mini games are a lot more boring this time as well. Not enough variety of enemies that the first game had.
Delivery: 6/10
A campaign that stays true to the book but isnt as lengthy as the first game, Also doesnt feature the fun collectables either. No replay value to the game once you beat it.
Overall: 6/10
The game strips away at pretty much everything that made the first game so good and gives us a highly disapointing experiance.