The game is great if your a Harry Potter fan and like the idea of shooter elements added with a cover system but compared to how most cover shooters work such as Gears or Uncharted, this game feels more like a bargain bin style game with broken elements that only the hardcore fan will absolutely love. I my self am a hardcore fan and enjoyed this game. The problem i have with it is the auto aim snap which makes it extremely difficult to aim for the head when the cursor just snaps when it wants to. There are a lot of spells to cast but unfortunately you will most likely be only using 2 or 3 spells the entire time out of about 10 (stupefy will get annoying very quickly). There is not a lot of variety when it comes to the enemy AI, mostly there are hundreds of death eaters with hardly any difference between the costumes they wear and the spells they shoot. There are the occasional pixies and spiders but they are dull to fight and fill like they were added in without the developers knowing what else to add lol (there are dementors but those prove to be extremely annoying in big fights and don't add much fun at all). The game gets the story down compared to the movie but not the books which isn't a big deal, they add fillers a lot to the story which is normal for movie games but a lot of times there just recycled missions with horrible checkpoints (for example you might be sneaking past death eaters to save muggles with your invisibility cloak -which wears off after about 15 seconds an have to stop and hide to recharge getting you get spotted making you have to restart even after saving 5/6 muggles which took over 5 minutes to do...) There are a lot of problems with the game but overall if you like harry potter and the games its a nice change of pace to the series and the exploration is cut out a bit which i actually like (been there done that for 6 games). Almost forgot to mention the Kinect portion, it is mostly 10 levels of you trying to swing your wrist to cast spells in a rail shooter type play. I found that this was enjoyable but after awhile your hand gets very tired and the annoyances of the spells not going off or shooting at nothing to the right side of the screen when there is an enemy right in front of you. It's fun but feels a bit added in to show off Microsofts Kinect and the ability to add features in games not exclusively for it.
Gameplay: 7.5 -Fun but gets very old and repetitive with a lot of recycled content, a few issues with aiming and the cover system doesn't always understand when your not completely covered and still getting hit. Very annoying to go back and forth in the exact same area doing the same thing over and over in different sections of the story.
Story: 7 -Good, fits in with the movies but is very filler-ed with events that are extremely altered just to add more action into parts that nothing ever really happened.
Graphics: 6 -Pretty ugly faces for the characters, Ron is bye far the worst with Harry looking decent at different times and Hermione looks pretty good compared to the rest. The clothing detail i found the best but as for the environment and the spells, they're all bland and very stick figured. There is a lot of repeated textures for the land.
Sound: 7 -The Spells sound pretty good for the most part but they don't quite have the sparkle the movies portray. The voice acting is horrible with lip-sync issues that make you think this was made in Japan and dubbed over. Sometimes the characters will talk when they're not even saying anything at all. The music is pretty bland as well.
Overall: 7 -If you like Harry Potter and cover shooters then i would recommend a rental at the most. Wait until its a bargain for say $20 but do not pay full it's a waste of money. If you don't care for Harry Potter you will probably not enjoy this too much and just be playing to get easy achievements. Trust me, the hard difficulty is like "normal" for every other game on the market. Do not buy this for the Kinect, its not for the whole game, just added addition for fun and side missions for you and a friend.
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