Fun at start, but might get boring if you play it for too long.
User Rating: 8 | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 PC
The long awaited 7th part of Harry Potter franchise. Every game starts with an mini tutorial. This one is better. While going through game, you learn more and more, instead of learning everything at once. For me, that's a plus! As you can forget some things, like I did in 5th part. Graphics are great, but sometimes it get's laggy, but it doesn't matter. It goes away quickly. Some voice acting is bad, like in the start of the game, Voldemort's voice is not the one like from the movies. Rest of the voices are good. As gameplay goes on, the fun begins. I always wanted to walk, without being noticed. And here come the invisibility cloak. It's great feature, since in 5th part, you could use it only if you go back to the dorms. Booooring... Fighting with same enemies can get boring, but it's better so it won't take too much space on my computer. Spells are good, but some have a little bug. Like "Expulso". You aim at enemy and hold left click, but it doesn't fire. You have to click couple of time to get it started. To kill Voldemort, we'll have to wait for the 2nd part, if he kills him there. I haven't finished the game, so I at least hope that story gets more fun.