A 3rd person action shooter-esque Potter game sounds awesome, right? NOPE.
The game is based on the movie of the same name. The film is flat-out fantastic but the game suffers from many problems. On a good note it has pretty graphics and does a good job of adapting the film. On many bad notes:
*Gameplay is repetitive and sucks
*Enemies are all the same and die fast
*There's no replay value
*The game has no direction
*Most of the spells and potions are unnecessary
*Voice acting is bad
*Game has too many glitches
*And much more!
So the gameplay is repetitive. All you do is cast the same spell over and over again at enemies. There's no exploring, no platforming or obstacles to pass, just casting the same spell to defeat bad guys. It takes the basic premise of a shooter and makes it into a wand fight. Seriously, you do nothing else but cast the same spell at bad guys, which pop up everywhere. Every now and then you have to drink a potion or cast one different spell but for the most part it's all the same.
Every so often you have these annoying challenges where you have to save Muggle-borns. Did this ever happen in the movies or books? Nope. But they are stupid and annoying. Some have you fending off against Inferi (skeleton zombie things). You can't kill them but if they knock you down you just watch yourself slowly die. There's nothing you can do. If you have to walk pass a Whomping Willow there's a 99% chance it'll hit you at least once or twice, which is not helpful when there's bad guys around.
There's some Kinect gameplay, just the challenges from the single player and you just move your arm around like an idiot. It's tiring and serves no fun. I wanted to like it but couldn't.
All in all there's not a lot to be said about this game. It's repetitive, annoying, hard, and short. It's one of the most displeasure-able games I've ever played and I thanked the powers that be that I had the will to finish it before I traded it in. Don't bother with this. As a die-hard Potter fan of 12 years, I say pass on this game. You'll thank me for it. Seriously.