Potter fans will be disappointted how short it is and with a number of problems and issues added in.
For those who are curious about the first part of Deathly Hallows if you haven't read the 7th book you might get a little confused with the plot. However the Lord Voldemort has gained full control of the Ministry of Magic and gathering information on the where about of Harry Potter. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are no longer at Hogwarts and it's up to them to hunt and destroy Voldemort's remaining Horcruxes that keep Voldemort powerful and strong.
Gameplay: Like I said you are no longer in Hogwarts meaning that you can't explore the castle at all, instead you'll be going through Part 1 of Deathly Hallows. If you've played 3rd-person shooters like Gears of War or Uncharted, Deathly Hallows part 1 uses those elements and using your wand to shoot and fire at your enemies. This where the gameplay can be really simple, but can get abit boring a repetitive firing the same spells over and over again using the R2 button; you can use the L2 button to aim but doesn't really be helpful that much because your enemies will move around a lot. There are a number of spells you can use like Wingardium Leviosa and Protego, but however you'll be using exspelliarmus.
Another problem you'll find annoying is that when you unlock more spells you have to hold and flick through which spell you want to use which can be annoying if you are in the middle of a fight with some Death eaters. You can cover behind walls and various large objects just like you would do in a normal 3rd person-shooter, what also may a little funny to hardcore 3rd-person shooter fans out there that you can use potions as grenades.
Deathly Hallows also has some RPG elements in but mainly on levelling up the more enemies you take out you can gain exp points to make Harry stronger and gain more spells and more health.
There is also some stealth added to this game it's very simple to get trough, you are just mainly hiding under your invisibility cloak without getting spotted by Muggles and Death eaters. But however you can sneak up from behind and knock out your enemies. You will also be doing quests as well in order to press on with the story, like rescue 3 muggle-borns from the Death Eaters or Escape the Dragons Cave, but most of the side quests are repetitive and will be doing quite a few times.
If you're completely stuck on the game you can use Four-points by pressing circle telling you where you need to go next, but there's no point in doing that because half the time you'll where to go straight away.
Graphics and Sound: With most of the gameplay feeling a little short and broken. Graphics also feel a little broken too, yes it's nice to see next-gen graphics for a Harry Potter on the PS3; but most of the graphics and animation within the game seem a little flushed and sort of been rushed just to get this game released around the same time as the movie release.
Another problem you might have about this game is that it can take 4GB on your PS3 which seems a lot of if you own a 60 GB or an 80 GB and you want the MB/GB for other games in general. But back to the graphics during gameplay there are a number of camera issues which can be very meddling and will go over the place, during gameplay if you keep getting hit the screen will turn grey making it harder to see and where to fire at enemies.
There a few numerous bugs/glitches which can appear on random moments during gameplay but they can be easily ignored but there should be some updates from EA to fix these problems sooner or later.
Here's another thought that they could have done is that they could have used Playstation Move Deathly Hallows since your moving around and firing your wand; this could have been a nice idea if this was added if they had more time with it.
Voicing is a pick and mix because you don't have the actors from the movie playing the voices for the video game, but does try it's best to be the perfect movie video-game but the voicing can be a little off to Potter fans out there, but does keep its British accent along the way. What I really liked about the game was and I would say that a few people might agree with me on this one, is that the soundtrack is quite well done and worth listening too. With Part 1 and 2 being the final chapter in the Potter series if you've read the book itself there are quite a few Good and Evil battles so yes the game does has its moments but not fully.
Overall: I was really hyped about playing this game in the beginning but after playing the game, I was really disappointed with the number or issues, problems and how incredibly short the game is. You can easily beat the game under 4 hours but however if you are a trophies collector you would have to play the game 3 times in a row to get 100% Plat; unlike most game you would have to beat the game on Hard and once you've beaten the game you would get Medium and Easy trophies as well.
So yes you would have to play the game 3 times in a row to achieve it but there are a few other trophies you can nab along the way, I would suggest playing on Hard to begin with and then work your way downwards to Medium and Easy.
There is also online support for this game but it's only for Challenges which were also useing in the main story but you'll get 5 challenges on each difficulty. And you can also share your results and score with your friends online and see who the top wizard on the Playstation Network is. But it would have been nice if it had multiplayer where you could play as a witch or wizard and blast your wands at other players which could been a great touch just like you would do on a normal game which has online multiplayer.
As I mention this before fans of the Potter series will be very disappointed with the first half of Deathly Hallows you are most likely better off reading the book again or watching the movie instead. Overall I am curious if they will change and fix those problems just in time for Part 2 is released for summer 2011 and gives its Potter fans what they really want.