Nothing like the previous games. Will not appeal to most Harry Potter fans.
User Rating: 1 | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 X360
In my opinion the creators of this game knew that Harry Potter fans like me would buy this game without even checking to see if it would be different. Why would we, all the others were the same type of game. But they also wanted the money from other type of gamers, so they made this a shooter. However, this isn't even a good shooter game. It looks like one of the earlier shooter games where there was no real story, poor controlling of weapon and camera, and no real distinction between enemies. Most of the achievements can be earned during regular game play, which they make you play it at least 3 times because the play level achievements aren't stacked. So, the achievements are not too difficult except that you have to play this unbearable game over and over. My advice to other HP fans is to wait until they can buy it really cheap for their collection, but don't even waste your time playing it.