Good ideas, bad execution.
Graphics 6,5/10
It's not a bad looking game, but It certainly does noot look good too. The character models are a bit weird, but I've seen worse. Everyone looked kind of ugly, except for Harry himself. The environments look odd. The textures are blurry, all over the place, the trees look awful. The good thing is the light. Harry's clothes makes shadows while he's running and that's probably the best graphics effect in the game. Most things look a bit muddy.
Sound 5/10
You will hear the same tunes you heard in the previous six games. There are certain songs you can hear in the first game, released 10 years ago. Nothing new. The voice acting is awfully awful and the sound effects are monotone and dull. This is one uninspired game.
Gameplay 4/10
It's fun for about an hour, maybe less. It is supposed to be a cover shooter, but I found it a bit impossible to aim while taking cover. And most of the time, you still take damage while at cover. It's funny that in the last levels there is nowhere to take cover, since it's called a ''cover shooter''. The enemies spawn at the same places at least five times in a row and you have to wait for them to spawn before you can successfuly advance. Out of about ten or so spells you really need to use only one or two, which is a shame. The use of different potions is not very clear and it is impossible to aim when you're using them. The exploration is practically non-existent as the game is filled with invisible walls. There are about three types of enemies throughout the game. There are also some frustrating stealth levels, but they give no value to the overall game.
Presentation: 3/10
The menus are slow, the story is told awfully (don't bother understanding it if you haven't read the book.) Cutscenes look awful, lip-sync is the worst I've ever seen.
Replay value: 2/10
Even I, a huge Harry Potter fan can't recommend this game to anyoe, which is sad given that the source material is just great.