Hardly has the world of gaming seen anything as pathetic as this.
User Rating: 1 | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 PC
There are so many things to say about this game but i dont want to spend more than a few seconds thinking about this game. I can say i was a HP fan. Read the first novels at a time when i had no idea they were a hit. Living in a small town in Central Europe without good access to the internet i spent my days in libraries and ... well unimportant. I liked the first 2 or 3 games... very good action adventures with more puzzled than actual fighting... that is what harry did back than... small magic lots of thinking. Then suddenly he became this magic paladin shooting everyone from a motorcycle in the sky... how in the nine hells did that happen. Oh and graphics are not amazing everything seems stiff and stupid.
A wand is not a shotgun...
... anyway i spent 2 minutes of my life in this... starting to regret them... this guys want to release a second episode... my god... how come people like this get paid...