Worst Harry Potter game ever!
Obviously there isn't really a lot you can do with a game based on a movie and a book where not much happens. So making up little side missions was a good move. But the game just kept playing the same, over and over again. You run, you shoot. You win.
The game does follow the movie and the book, though not correctly, you get the point. In this game you have an over the shoulder view of Harry, which is a nice change I guess. The graphics are okay, nothing like the Half Blood Prince though. So in the graphics department they actually went backwards.
You have a set of about 10 spells if I remember correctly, though you can stick to about 2 of them throughout the entire game. The acting is okay. There is a type of upgrade system...in if you kill people you get experience which either gives you more health or stronger spells.
It really was an aweful game and I really don't want to talk about it any more. :(