A total cash-in game with no effort put into it
User Rating: 4.5 | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 PS3
Previously, the Harry Potter games I've played have mostly been like Zelda games, which in my opinion fit well with the magical, whimsical feeling of the games, But this game is not what it should be, it's a crappy third-person shooter with spells instead of guns, because it's all gunfighting, the magical feel is lost, and to rub it in your face, all the environments look bland and gray, also, the story is like random puzzle pieces put together, it's hard to get the story of the book or movie when you play the game, the graphics are pretty good, not bad, but not amazing. Also with the gamplay, it has no puzzles at all,there aren't really any proper charms either, the game is just boring random shootouts with guns shaped like wands, now to make the repetitivenes even worse, there aren't even many models of deatheaters so 99% of them are mere clones
Overall, this is a mediocre third-person shooter with basically no effort put into it.