Almost, but not quite... a magical let down!
Longevity: 5/10 -
Suited for more casual players, the hardcore gamer will easily complete this in an afternoon of 5-6hrs worth of gameplay, though side quests do extend this gameplay.
Storyline: 7/10 -
If you're closely familiar with the Harry Potter franchise, you will understand the storyline as soon as play begins. Unfortunately anyone new to the magical world will be left confused after poor storytelling turns this enchanting story into a fragmented mess. You will enjoy some of the narration and real-actor voices found throughout, however the storyline races through many of the loved scenes in the movie.
Controls: 5/10 -
If you've played it's predecessor 'Harry Potter and the Half Blood Price' and enjoyed the gaming controls here, it's likely you will find the controls here unappealing. Movement and conjuring spells becomes comfortable quickly and brings you closer into the magical world, however one becomes increasingly frustrated when surrounded by enemies or having lack of cover, as cumbersome targeting systems which are often unco-operative, and the cover system seems unhelpful, and the novice will find themselves perishing often.
Atmosphere: 8/10 -
The world of Harry Potter does come alive in this game, featuring many sites seen throughout the story and many actor's voice-over their respective character's. Unfortunately there isn't nearly as much "free-time" as found in it's predecessor Half Blood Price, with limited exploring availability.
Graphics & Sound: 6/10 -
I was extremely impressed that the character's looked like their actor counterpart and kept their real-actor voice over's. Though no glitches were apparent, it was disappointing to see repetitive environments and noticeable blemishes on simple pathways. The sounds were fantastic, basic commands such as "puffing" when out of breath, really helped the game come alive. From every magic spell cast to every footstep made, it seems a great deal went into making the sound effects and character voices perfect. It was clear however from the graphics perspective that this game was rushed into release.
Overall: 6.5/10 -
Once you've completed the game there really isn't any desire to replay it. I'd recommend renting/borrowing it first before committing. If you're a die-hard Harry Potter fan, I'm sure you will get enjoyment from this game, however if you're a hardcore gamer I'd give this a miss. It seems this game had potential but had a rushed production. Almost, but not quite!