Love most HP games, but this was awful. Rated it hard but that's only because of the abysmal camera functions.
User Rating: 3 | Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 X360
Played this game on Wii, and it's awful. Right off the bat, I noticed that the dialogue in the cut-scenes is clunky and hard to understand, so aside from the terrible acting, I had to wait until the game actually spelled out the instructions before I knew what the mission actually was. Learning a new spell was an exercise in annoyance: the "expecto patronum" spell in particular was bothersome. Rather than getting some measure of practice with the spell, they simply throw a Dementor at you and as it attacks, on-screen instructions in small, unfortunate font tell you how to fight it. Additionally, these instructions have to appear several times before you can finish reading them because on top of being small and in a bad font, they only stay on screen for a couple of seconds. I've been lucky enough to be an excellent reader, so if I had difficulty with that part, I can only imagine how long it might have taken someone who doesn't read a lot. There are mini games where you must rescue muggle-borns, which make no sense and have nothing to do with the books or the movies the game was "based" on.
I played this on Wii platform and the controls for the camera and Harry were both extremely poor. Often, when walking around, the camera would stick and it was next to impossible to get Harry to turn around and face the direction you were pointing, instead opting to stare at the wall and not move. Awful navigation - just awful. The final insult in this area was when casting the "four points" spell to get an indicator of the direction you should be going, unless you were in a wide-open area and had a good view of everything around you, the four points spell was useless as you couldn't see which direction the light headed.
All around, one of the worst games I've ever played.