Not exactly What the potter fans had expected!!! Graphics and Sound is all that is good about this game!

User Rating: 5.3 | Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire PC
Year after year I buy a Harry Potter game hoping it to be Better than the Last one, But to my disappointment it has the same old boring Game play . the menus look good in the game but…..looks is all they have , there is no option to change the resolution , the sound or the controls, and to top it all the menus are hell lot confusing, the menus would have been a lot easier if we would be able to use the mouse(shocked right??? Yes, you don’t get to use the mouse ,even while playing). The game play is completely different, You have to play the entire game with only the keyboard(with only arrow , Z, X, C and s keys). The graphics and sounds are very good(you will find these two to be the only good thing about this game).the characters look good . its not like the normal Harry Potter games where you can go any where around the castle or should I put it this way this the only Harry Potter game where u don’t get to enter the castle atoll. As you play the game you will find out that Harry, Ron and Hemiohny are the only characters you will find in the game, Not even Albus Dombedore (and what is a Harry Potter game without Fred and gorge, My all time favorite Professor Snape , hagrid , our good old griffindor team) It’s a shame .The game play is BAD, here are a few of the drawbacks in the game play:-

You don’t get to use the mouse to cast the spells ( that makes the game hell lot tougher)

Because you don’t get to use the mouse all you can do is run away from the monsters instead of fighting them(Now that’s a Bummer).

You cant Jump !!!

The cameras are not exactly bad but it gets a bit annoying in the later levels

No new monsters, From the first game till this one all the games have the Fire Crab(long time EA thinks of a better monster) then there are the fire salamanders and so on……….
Same old monsters from the past.

Hardly six or seven different types of monsters!!

The same annoying Bean collection ( its high time EA thought of something else)

The AI is extremely poor for example, when you are surrounded by a dozen monsters the other two will be busy trying to open a gate which is already open!!! If u cross a wall one of the two of your partners will keep dashing the wall till you go back for him and get him in some other way.

The levels are very Easy and small!!

There are many more drawbacks but I don’t want to waste my time typing them (as if I have not wasted my time playing that game). So I will recommend you to rent this game before buying ( This goes even for all those Potter fans like me who Buy this boring Harry Potter series year after year with the hope of finding Improvement.