Original, but doesn't fit into the series
Again, you get to play as Harry, Ron and Hermione. You can choose whichever character you want to play the entire level...with a catch: You have no idea what spells you're casting. You only have 4 spell buttons. Triangle is for the classic Accio spell (where you can collect stuff) and Circle is Magicus Extremos. X is for Jinxing and Square does a bunch of random spells that you can't control.
The controls in this game are terrible. Insteading of locking onto an opponent, you have to shift the player a little bit in order to hit it. Also, you have no camera control in this game. It just does whatever it wants as you walk through the levels. It's like watching it in a studio audience. There is one good thing: If your partners die, they automatically come back to life every time. If you die, you won't be able to come back to life unless you have Chocolate Frogs.
The idea of this game is to collect Wizard shields in each level in order to move on to the next. The levels will change depending how you finish them. While some Wizard shields are easy to get, others are next to impossible.
So, after playing through a bunch of random levels, you'll reach the 3 tasks. It's impossible to get Gold in the first task, the second task is average and the third task is easy as heck...and they said the tasks are harder than the next....yeah, right.
The Voldemort level was just completely messed up. It was nothing at all like the movie. Instead of fighting Voldemort's minion's you have to fight skeletons!! Not only are they easy as crap, but it makes no sense to have them as there as no such spell to bring people back from the dead. Then after that, Riddle's statue comes alive and starts attacking Harry and you have to destroy it with the Priori Incantartum spell. The ending is just stupid.
So, while it is an okay game, it really shouldn't be in the series. The levels are interesting, but sometimes I ask myself "What were they thinking?!" I hear the 5th game, you get to walk around Hogwarts again, which is awesome. I can't wait for the movie and I can't wait for the Deathly Hollows.