Some Fun here, Some Fun there, but What you would expect from a Movie to Game.
The story follows the movie almost too the letter, which cuts out any surprise you might get. From Dueling all four houses to potions making and Quditich, the mini games add the most fun to this basic movie to game.
Lets start off with the good here first.
Potions has to be the best part about this game. The Music at times can give that feeling of I need to hurry before time runs out when you have plenty of time. Being neat with your potion making adds more points to your overall score but spilling and causing plums of smoke or even blowing up a bottle of dangerous Mandrake root can kill your chances of getting those five stars.
Then you have Quditich, which is just simply flying through a pre selected path of stars which can dull out the feeling of being immeresed and just saying, "Follow and catch".
Last but not least is the all around ok Dueling. Now the Dueling is like actually dueling which is good but on the Wii system sometimes when you go to do one spell you can accidently do another when not meaning to.
The Bad.
The controls are a bit clunky along with the Camera controls sometimes bending or going were you dont want it to. Graphics feel a bit dated even for the Wii system and at times load slowly.
For the fans of the Harry Potter Series, will enjoy playing as Harry in another adventure at Hogwarts, but you may wish to rent it first before you buy.