The gameplay of this game is just like the previous Harry Potter title but this time we can play quidditch.
As I told you at the beginning the environment is very well done. We see birds flying. And if we are wearing the quidditch outfit for example, we see how the wind moves it when we run or even when we are stand. The water effects are very well done in this game, when we enter a cave we see how the water drops in the springs and how the liquid moves when we are preparing a potion If we stop in a very high place, just like a bridge or the top of a tower we wil have a very nice view of all the Hogwarts' territory.
We have freedom of doing things just like searching for Hogwarts emblems even during a mission or we can complete the storyline (which is short) and then begin to search for all the emblems.
I haven't read the book but I am sure that if I read it and play the game I will understand more.
Just like the previous title we can play some minigames just to have fun. But this time we will play to have fun and earn medals. There are three clubs or three kinds of minigames: Potion club, duel club and quidditch club. What stands out in this game is the potions club, because as you should know Harry finds a book that helps him when he needs to make a potion. The way we prepare potions is very funny and challenging because it is with time attack. We have to choose the ingredients, shake them, or heat the potion and stir it. We do all this until the potion gets the color we are being requested.
In this title we can't challenge everyone to a duel just like the previous title. But we can join to the duel club and sometimes the duels gets too hard, most of times we have to evade or block the attacks instead of attack.
The quidditch practices and games are very exciting, because we have to evade floating pumpkins (just in practices) and beat the other seekers to take them off their flying broom. If we pay attention during a quidditch game, we will see the other players doing their job. In the older titles just like HP1 & HP2 we just see the other players flying around the quidditch field. Once I was behind the snitch and I saw how one player from Griffindor score a goal.
The list of spells of this game is shorter than the last title. When we are just around Hogwarts we just use 3 spells: Wingardium Leviosa, Fire and Reparo (I think those are their names in english), but most of times we just use one: Wingardium Leviosa.
The spells we have during a duel I think they are the same of the last title.
This game absolutely rocks, and if you read this I recommend you to get it.
This was all my opinion about this game, thanks for reading.