Dissapointed by EA
Indeed, when OoTP the game was about to come out I wanted to buy it, it seemed like a good game. But things are not what they seem. And this was a shockingly bad game. Its hard to understand what EA was doing here, as the graphics, gameplay and the story are horrible.
Gameplay 3
HP games could have a very fun gameplay with the variety of spells you could do. But it doesnt. You can only use around 10 spells and a majority of these are useless and boring to cast. Duels are therefore, quite pathetic and end up with you just running around and trying to cast spells. The quests in this are quite stupid and boring but are a necessity. You'd expect better quests in a magical castle then going to fetch some random items around the castle.
Graphics 6
Though the graphics are good, I think i prefer goblet of fire's graphics over these, surprisingly. EA just tried to hard to make the graphics look real and end up with horendous character models who move slowly and look bizarre. The castle and background colours though, do look rather nice.
Sound 7
The soundtrack may not be as good as the previous games, but it is OK. And the voice acting is very good again. Though yet again, Harry's and Hermione's voices aren't spot on, thats not EA's fault.
Story 1
HP is popular because of the story in its books. Sadly, thats not the case with the game. The game tells the story so badly it butchers it. Everything is just skimmed through and a person who hasn't read OoTP will have NO idea what is going on. This also takes the epicness out of the story.
Value 5
Hogwarts is great to explore, however, the game is very slow at times so this is a pain. The game lasts about 10 hours, which is far too less. And though you can explore hogwarts, you don't really get any good rewards from doing that.
Tilt 3
I loved the HP books, and i love a good difficult game and thats perhaps why I hated this so much.
In conclusion, this game, like the previous games, could have been much more, but sadly, its not. Its pathetic. Its hard to see how EA put so much money into this game and I would advise you NOT to buy it. It follows the movie to thoroughly, and the movies never did please the fans.