It may be a chore simulator, but a clear advantage for Xbox 360 Achievement Whores.

User Rating: 7 | Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix X360
This game may be the perfect representation of what cleaning up a place is, but none-the-less, I found it to be quite fun. I rented the game a day after I saw the movie, which I highly recommend to people either see the movie or read the book before you play the game, because this game skips a lot of parts, which is one negative. Now to the positives. The game, as the editors say, has some of the best voice acting there can be in a game. Also, you get a clear view of how Hogwarts is connected by the freebase play of the game. It's somewhat like the PlayStation 2 game Bully, in a sense. Another positive thing about this game, that the editors pointed out were the minigames. Although frustrating at times, it can be an enjoyable side time. When you're trying to get the achievements though, and you can't beat the Gryffindor little ball game champion; that's where it gets frustrating. Now to point out a few unmentioned things. For people who play Xbox 360 games mainly for the achievements, this game is almost perfect. All but one achievement can be gotten through playing through the easy mode, and the game basically let's you get away with losing most of the battles, so the achievement for beating it on hard mode is a snap. It's an easy 1000 achievement points in the bag if you use an internet walkthrough for all the minigames and quests like I did. Now to the bad stuff. I personally found the graphics for the characters to be very close simulations of the real ones, but still had much to be desired. The environments were okay, but could've been improved. The game barely has any forced missions that has you actually using attack magic; the only way to really get a lot of battles on this game is to pick on other kids. The cut scenes jump around, and are quite glitchy at that. And even though that I said that this game is great for achievement whores, it could've been a lot harder at some places. But other than that the game is a pretty solid rent. I found that the game was fun at most parts, but were frustratingly repetitive. All of that aside, who can complain about a game that gives the dream that every Harry Potter fan has wanted to do: Explore Hogwarts in all its glory.