a huge step forward visually from previous games...a good potter game but has quiet a few flaws
User Rating: 7.5 | Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix PS3
another harry potter movie is enevitably followed by a harry potter game on all platforms...i am going to review the ps3 version of the game...which i thought was quiet good to be honest...far from perfect but a major step forward in some areas from previous potter games games...first the visuals are quiet simply increible...you do actually feel you are in the potter universe with hogwarts magnificently recreated from the highest tower down to the footsteps left in the grass...character models are mostly frightenly like there real lift counterparts.The main characters harry ron and hermione look fantastic with ron looking a bit better then the other two...voice overs are quiet good too with some actors from the film lending there voice for the game such as rupet grint who plays ron...now onto the gameplay...instead of previous games where square,triangle,x and o were useds to cast spells the anolog is now used...differnet spells are cast by moving and twisting the anolog in various directions...this works quiet well which gives you more control over harry...oh ya you play harry for most part of the game...buy the game to find out who else u can play as...the story mode is solid but nothing special,cutscenes are ok but feel unfinished in some areas...besides the main storyline that follows the movie you can explore hogwarts castle and find and unreal amount of unlockabes...you navigate around hogwarts with the marordors map with is a nice touch....there is also plenty of submissons for you too do during the game
all in all harry potter ootp is a good good game... potter fans will loves this as will some new comers...nothing special but with a bit more work and not so much back tracking this would have been a great game...i give it 7.5 out of 10