Although there are a few enjoyable parts which involve key points from the original book, the majority of your time will be running around having to do mindless tasks for all the dumbledore's army people. The tasks are mostly boring and lacking in thought, although a few prince-of-persia moments were slightly amusing.
The new control aspect was somewhat interesting, but nothing revolutionary, even if you forget some of the 8 or so moves, you can always do trial and error or just look in the menu. The fighting was surprisingly uninteresting: Protego, stun, strafe, stun, and after about 20 seconds you win. Voldemort's battle was the same thing as well, unfortunately. The gameplay simply has too bad of pacing.
The graphics look straight from the ps2 tony hawk games, dissapointing to the least for xbox 360 users. Although the castle itself looks crisp, just about every other environment and every other person looks like old crap.
The audio, however, is quite nice, most of the main voice actors do the ones for this game, and the sounds, noises, etc are fantastic. That, unfortunately, doesn't make up for the 2+ hours of just having to run around because of either getting lost of the ridiculous length of time to get from one DA person to solve their idiotic problems, to another.
The game takes 10 hours, if that. Do yourself a favor and just see the movie instead, so you don't have to worry about trying to figure out how to read a confusingly-made map of hogwarts, or figure out what some person needed because there's no given list in the menu to read back what an objective was for said person.
Avoid this game.