They got part of it right
There are several mini-games to take part in and things to find. Sure, some of it is a little tedious and chore-like (sweeping the courtyards for example) but it does encourage you to roam and in turn levels up your spells.
Spell-casting is much more interesting in Phoenix. You have to gesture with your mouse to create certain spells. This requires much more thought than just pointing and clicking.
The huge let down for me was the spell challenges. These, and the non-replayable parts of the story, were the crux of the previous games. I used to enjoy the puzzles and then having to replay the challenges to find everything. Plus, this was often where you would encounter the main enemies in the game like fire crabs and acromantula. Unfortunately these have been done away with completely. The only class that remotely tests you is Charms where you regurgitate all the spells you've learnt. Potions and Herbology do little more than test your levitation skills.
The story is impossible to follow unless you know it backwards. Most of the game consists of you having to find people to tell them things which is also disappointing.
Duelling is a little clumsy in that you must always be the aggressor (apart from a couple of scripted portions of the game). That doesn't seem like what Harry would do although it is fun;-)
In conclusion, the game looks great and spellcasting is more interesting. However, it seems like the background to a potentially greater game. Come on, EA. You can do better!