patrol in Hogwarts

User Rating: 5.9 | Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix PC
The game has some problems, For example its gameplay and music. If you don’t like Harry Potter’s books, you will not like this game but if you were spending in Hogwarts so long in your dreams, you will enjoy it.
The first thing that I should mention is its cinematic form. Like resident Evil 2 and King Kong, there is no health bar, score and everything that shows your are playing a video game. In this point, it is a good experience for gamers. In phase of graphic the game has no problem. Hogwarts, like what we expect, is full of details and corners. And the faces of the characters design with rigor.
Gameplay is something that shows a game is good or bad. Order of phoenix has a lot of problems in gameplay.
The first part of the game that continue until Christmas, spend in doing missions for others and organizing the Dumbledore’s army. Sometimes Ginny ask for your help and sometimes you must help professor Mac Gonagall in arranging the first year students. Meantime, you learn basic magic. For making them more powerful you must find secret ways so you will find more scores.
The game has a new way for spelling magic. For PC version you must move the mouse in especial pattern so Harry moves his wand and spell. This method is a little annoying.
The seven floor structure of Hogwarts is very wide that you can easily get lost in it. Fortunately you have Marauder map and you could find where you are and where to go. After selecting your task, a set of footprints will guide you. In the second part you see more scenes of the film and the story become more exciting.
At the end I should say that Order of phoenix is the best in Harry Potter’s games but its not a good game.