Best game in the series yet,though,i expected it to be on one level of hardness. Press Continue ;)
I mean like for example:
DA member search plot
The one person just stands there,the other one's camera is up there and you gotta get it!
I never got to do this..Just too 'hard'
About the graphics i don't have any bad comment,Hogwarts is remade extremely good!
Sounds are very good,though sometimes the music could get me frustraded
About the story..I see,lots of people don't like it..
I love it,but you need to read the books or see the movies
I recommand the game to HP Fans,and RPG lovers,other people who like action won't really like it..
I classed it under 'Rent it first' I'dd say,play the first few levels,like it?
Buy it!
That's it,most stuff i had to say told,cya,feel free to message me ;)