The environment is very well done, but the poor gameplay and dull mini-games make the latest 'Potter' game a failure.
The game consists mostly on walking from point A to point B, with the occasional mini-game. This gets very lame and repetitive really fast. In order to find your way around the campus, you select the location or character you want to get to and then you can see little black footprints on the ground that direct you to your target. This works for the most part, if the ground you are walking on is illuminated. Otherwise, the footprints can be very hard to see. Also, it is very frustrating when you are trying to get through a small corridor and there is another student in your way. They will not move no matter how many times you push them.
There are a few mini-games included in the gameplay, most of which are really easy and all of which are lame. The battle sequences in the game can be fun, but they are over too quickly and there are only a few of them in the entire game. All of the secrets you can find aren't that exciting and aren't that hard to find either. The animations look choppy, especially during cut scenes, and the graphics look poor as well.
The one thing that the designers did do well is the environment. The school is so massive in this game that you can go virtually anywhere on the campus. Although this open-world style is good, it doesn't save the game from all of its faults.