I wanted to like this game. It has good graphics and music. But you just can't get around the repetitiveness...
Gameplay wise it's broken. Two major issues:
1. With the tasks, if you don't move objects around in precisely the order the game wants you to, it can glitch up (I'm thinking of helping Ron pack... I didn't pick the object first suggested by the computer and as a result you couldn't properly complete the task... annoying.)
The bigger problem by far is that the vast majority of the game consists of simply running around doing chores or errands for people... with the occassional very easy duel mixed in... it's fun for a couple hours but after that you just get so sick of doing the tasks... even if you're a big HP fan...
If you could rent it you could probably amuse yourself over the weekend and that's about all you'd need. I really can't recommend buying it new.