Boring.... Can it get any worse!
Couldnt wait any longer and decided to pop Kel's arry Potter "Order of the Pheonix" in. Started really well with the WB sign looking awesome, just like a film. Started to play the game and well impressed with the graphics which were quite clean and the characters did resemble the on-screen actors. Impressed with the voice actors which are in fact the real actors of the film (Bonus!!!)
After 5 minutes i was getting a little cheesed with the cut scenes and the trapsing around Hogwarts, which is allot bigger than what i thought it was. Moaning Murtloe wouldnt leave me alone and my beer was getting warm with all the practise of spells that i had already achieved.
I gave up after 10 minutes, was bored out of my skull. A nice idea but the repetativness of the spells to fix stuff was doing my head in. I have never turned of a video game so early before as you really do need to give it a chance, but i couldnt last any longer with this flop.