If you have nothing better to do.... well then this game is definatly for you!!!
Graphics- I would give this category a 9 because despite that the characters look realistic, there are still some things that just say this looks more like a cartoon.
Gameplay- The game is fairly easy and mostly involves you exploring Hogwarts which is why i give this category a 3. Plus, its just the thing if you have nothing better to do but sit around and hit your head against the wall. You get to help out the D.A. members and everything like in the movie, but if the people call this game action adventure, then they are highly mistaken because this is all a boring adventure.
Storyline- The storyline does follow the movie soo it will do with a 5. The major thing again about this game is that all you are basically doing is exploring the castle and it gets extremely boring. Once again, exactly like the movie but still very boring to play.
Overall- I give this game a 3.5 out of 10 because of the poor storyline, gameplay and basically everything. Graphics aent worthy for the PS3 and well this is a non stop adventure which is terribly boring... might as well commit suicide.