Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
I'm sure many people will agree that the second and the third game are one of the best in the series.
But anyway, let's get on with the review.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban doesn't really follow the story of the movies or the books, but most people who will play this game won't be bothered by this.
Although you play some scenes from the movies and the books, most of the levels in the game are centered around learning new spells.
The game is overall fun to play, but don't expect to get a encounter real challenges.
The game is just too easy, but that doesn't take away the fun for me.
There are sweets to collect like All Flavoured Beans, which you use to buy Famous Wizard Cards and unlock new secrets.
There are also some minigames, but they aren't really that much fun.
You won't be playing this game for very long, as you can complete the storyline in 4-5 hours if you are rushing.
So, if you love Harry Potter and just want to play a fun game and relax at the same time, this game is for you.
My rating: 8/10