My first game. The WORST game.
User Rating: 1 | Harry Potter to Kenja no Ishi GBA
Auggghhhh!!! This game is a disgrace, a huge zit on the otherwise sexy face of Harry Potter. The game is horrid in all aspects: Harry DIES everytime he takes a freaking step. The game's graphics are mediocre, reminding me of ET 2600 and Superman 64.The gameplay is really sucky, and the gnomes are so deadly, a spell won't kill them. The gnomes kill Harry and that's wrong. Harry shouldn't die....but in this game based on the first book, he actually DIES. That is just wrong. This game screams "Child Slaughter." The game is one of the worst I wonder it was my first video game. At least when I got Pokemon Crystal a few weeks later I sighed a godly sigh of relief. JK Rowling should be disgusted by this filth. Unlike the books (or the movies from Prisoner of Azkaban on) this game fails to excite (unless you are a kindergartner who likes killing 11 year old boys.) This game is the WORST GAME EVER. I MEAN IT.
Pros: None, unless you count the stupid credits.
Cons: The whole game.