The Sorcerer's Stone is a good start off to ,what should turn out to be, a long franchise.
Repetative sound effects and poor music definently take away from the overall value of the game.
Visuals: 7/10
Visuals look rather good comparerd to other gameboy color games but they are not as sharp as I hoped they would be.
Playability: 9/10
Simple gameplay that is so highly addicting and fun that it makes you wanna play the game more then it's worth, Trust me Ive played this game for a good 50-80 hours.
Delivery: 8/10
A good lengthy story that works well with the book, A few fun mini games in it as well. Chocolate cards that are worth collecting and replaying the game for because of the history they offer. The gameplay is repetative but because it sucks you in so quickly, You wont really mind it.
Overall: 7.5/10
A good start for the franchise, It would have been a lot better if the audio wasnt as poor.