Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup is a game that even Harry Potter fans don't want to be playing.
In Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup, the thing you spend most of your time on, is trying to throw the brown ball through the rings to get ten points. It seems like EA should be able to do that, but no. The game is perhaps the simplest thing to ever do. I guess EA thought that computer AI and challenging players was overrated. It is near impossible to miss your shot; if you have any skill at all you'll make it half the time. And when the other team gets the ball, what do you do to get it back? You fly up next to them and hit A. Well that was easy. Seriously, that's it. The game is so easy; I've beaten a team 600 to 0, no joke.
And if that wasn't bad enough, the games other things like unlockables, voice acting, and multiplayer all are just as bad. When you do certain tasks, you get Quidditch cards. Get enough Quidditch cards, and you get more stuff. Like a new broom that does completely nothing, and new teams to access that are no different from the other teams. The games dialogue and voice acting is bad too. That one annoying commentator always says the same thing every single time you score. Man he's annoying.
Multiplayer is no good at all. It is almost impossible to keep the ball for five seconds because it's so easy to steal the ball from the other person. It's the same game, with the ability to play with multiple people. It's nothing special at all. But, neither is anything else you do. The little tasks when you learn with the players are of not much fun either.
Overall, I highly advice you to stay away from this game. Even if you are a Harry Potter fan, this game is extremely boring from lack of being challenged and no replay value. There are better ways to spend your money than going with this game. Overall Harry Potter Qudditch World Cup gets a 4 out of 10.