Why did I buy this game? I hate Potter!

User Rating: 6.5 | Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup GC
Story: N/A

Graphics: 7 Character models are pretty good and sense of speed is good but everything else is average

Sound: 5 I have never liked Harry Potter music and I never will and the commentators are annoying and repetitive.

Controls: 7 Everything is pretty solid and works well. The catchers (or whatever the heck they are called) are easy to control and being a beater is pretty cool.

Entertainment: 7 The game is way too easy (most of my games end with scores like: 560 to 20) and it getsa repetitive after awhile.

Overall 6.5 The big thing that slows this game down is the extreme easiness but I think that if EA tries hard enough they can make this a pretty fun game (even if it is Harry Potter)