Harvest Moon 64... Still got its charm, even after A Wonderful Life
And it's for those reasons that I liked it better than A Wonderful Life. Sure, the graphics weren't as sharp and you couldn't ride your horse off the farm, but in AWL I thought that things took too long and although the horses and cows looked much better, the whole playing stage seemed much smaller. Also, the characters were not as intruiging, but maybe that's because I didn't have much time to spend with them because watering my plants took so long. Sure, all the new breeding options were nice, but the system that kept your cows continually producing milk was hard to figure out at first and they took more care. What was most dissapointing of all was the lack of festivals.
What I did like about AWL was the realism. If you didn't milk your cow twice a day, it became moody. There were no automatic tool upgrades, and your relationships with the townspeople were much more similar to everyday life.
With that said, I still liked HM64 better. Maybe it's because I started playing as a young kid, so I'm attached to it. But also, I think it's because it had a certain charm that you would expect of a game that revolved around eggplants, cabbages, and sheep.