A great Harvest Moon game, however not as addictive.
The graphics are actually really good for the Gamecube. The characters have nice designs and we've never seen the animals look this good before. The characters have nice looking expressions whenever they're happy, sad, angry, etc…and the actual new village and landscape you are in look fantastic. I even like it when it rains because it is more realistic. It never just rains for a full day; it might just rain in the afternoon, or night. Overall, amazing graphics.
It is the same as all the others. Run a farm with animals and crops while trying to raise a family. This is not a bad thing at all, since it is what exactly fans expect. However, they did change many things. One example is shipping your items; there are now two shipping bins where you put crops and dairy products. All your other items can only be sold to a special vendor named Van who drops by the town every once and a while. A new aspect that really impressed me was the fact that you could ride your horse anywhere you want! You can even call it from wherever you are; this was a really great idea. Marriage is also in the game and they switched this around too. On the down note, there are only 3 bachelorette, but on the up note, your kids actually grow up! Once your married, you automatically start with a kid and as time passes he grows older and older and the same goes for your character and his wife. Soon, you will pass on, but you have the chance to come back to life. Your kid and wife go back to the same age they started, however you keep all your animals, money, etc… It's an interesting concept and it works well.
This game is the first in the Harvest Moon series to feature records. You are able to get records in many different ways. Most of these records are new tunes, while some others are old ones. The new ones aren't as catchy as some of the tunes in the older Harvest Moon games, but it's ok none the less.
The story for this Harvest Moon game isn't as interesting and exciting as the new DS version's story. The story starts with your father dying and him leaving you the farm with his friend Takakura. This is the first time the game makes another person (not including wife and kids) to live on your farm, however he doesn't do much and isn't that important. Anyways, Takakura tells you that your dad told him that he one day wanted you to run this farm. However it is kind of run down and it is up to you to fill it with crops and animals and raise a family. The story is kind of what you'd expect from a Harvest Moon game and it isn't that interesting.
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life is a decent Harvest Moon game. However, once you get married, have your kid grow up to his fullest and then you die, there is really no reason to play. There aren't many secrets to unlock, you it won't keep you as entertained as the others. Any Harvest Moon fan should check it out, however they shouldn't expect to spend so much time with it.