Harvest Moon: An OK Somewhat Charming Game, could possibly be a better title for it, but it has lot's to do,

User Rating: 7 | Bokujou Monogatari: Oh! Wonderful Life PS2
and, for simulation game fans like me (The Sims series for example) it's a satisfying and somewhat addictive (at times) experience.

The Good: *The charming cartoon-ish graphics are nice and easy on the

*There are many way's to make money for your farm, such as:

-Milking Cows
-Growing Produce
-Raising chickens to sell or the option to just sell your eggs.
-And a few more...

*For the most part it's quite realistic, which is always a plus if you like simulation games, or just flat out dislike any "hocus pocus" in videogames.

*You can (possibly) influence the path that your child chooses to go career-wise.

The Bad: *Those charming cartoon-ish graphics will be really unappealing to some if not many.

*The loading times during gameplay are not TOO much of a drag but simply entering/exiting a building, viewing the map, pausing, or purchasing items triggers a loading screen that can really chop up the pace of the game alot sometimes.

*Forget-Me-Not Valley seems like an ideal place to live and run a farm, but Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life SE has a taste of adventure to it, which is very limited in the game's setting, which is very small.

*Most gamers, in my opinion, would get really bored of it after awhile, mainly because for the most part you do the same thing everyday, and the game will definetly take no less than 100 hours to complete.

Overall I enjoy playing the game (occasionally) because it's kind of - sort of a simulation of real life ( or the life of a farmer) and I like raising crops and watching the seasons change and raising live stock and all that good stuff.
So if you're into that, i'd recommend buying Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life SE for the PS2, if you can find a copy, it's a bit hard to find, though i'd say it's on ebay somewhere. But of course if you don't like loading screens, repetitive gameplay, games that have you spend 100+ hours doing not much different at all to complete, or a very small free roam area, then you probably won't like this game much.