GAMPLAY:Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life will span a lifetime on the farm and follow the drama that goes with it. Not only must you build and successfully run a farm, but you must also build a successful life with family and friends! This new Harvest Moon experience will take the best qualities of the series and add moreā¦more animals, more vegetables and more drama! What sort of life will you live?
A Brand New Harvest Moon World!
40 New and Unique Characters!
Revived Marriage System!
The Ability to Raise your Child!
A New Event System with 6 Chapters of your Life, Spanning 30 years!
A New system to raise animals and grow vegetables!
More seeds and new animals!
A World of Surprising Possibilities with the Link System!
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life's "Forget-me-not Valley" and Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town's "Mineral Town" are a world apart from one using the link cable, these two towns can become connected! Villagers can travel back and forth, new exclusive events occur and many new surprises will happen!