A fairly fun and addictive game until the glitches go and mess it up!
User Rating: 6 | Bokujou Monogatari: Colobocle Station DS
I remember wanting this game months before it came out. It looked so cool! "A Harvest Moon for DS. How cool! It's gonna have awesome touch screen capabilaties!" That's exactly what I said pretty much every day until I bought it. I was very happy with Harvest Moon DS until I was about half-way through the second season; then things went wrong. I will just name a few things that happened: 1. Every time I threw food in for my cows, sheep, chickens, and ducks, it would just disappear. So my animals never got to eat, so they all got sick. I tried using medicine on them. Guess what? The medicine would disapper too. So eventually every animal on my farm died except my horse, dog, and cat. 2. Harvest Moon DS lets you keep two files in which to play and save your games. When you turn on the game and it gives you a choice on which file to load, you tap the one you want to load, then it says" LOADING FILE". What happened to me was when I tapped diary one it would say"LO A D ING FI LE " then the game would freeze. So that means that I can never play Diary one again. So I started a new file on Diary two. 3. This was my favorite file. I was so far. I had all the buildings made out of golden lumber, I had tons of money, and I was days away from getting married. Then the worst glitch came.... I was a day away from getting married. I was done for the day, so I saved then turned off my DS. A few days later I decided to play. I tapped diary 2. Then it said" DATA FILE CORRUPTED" I was so mad!!! So I started a new file. Then I learned that every time I saved, my save file was deleted so I could never advance through the game any farther in diary 2. So now both of my files are screwed up. So now I cannot play Harvest Moon DS. Over all it is still the fun harvest moon handheld game we know and love. If you are willing to put up with the numerous glitches in this game, then buy it.