Definitely a real HM fan must.

User Rating: 8.8 | Bokujou Monogatari: Colobocle Station DS
Ok first of all let me say im aware of the slightly awkward touch screen configurations for this game. All that aside this is a great Harvest Moon game. It still has all the charm and fun of the other Harvest Moon games. The game is set in the valley where HM A Wonderful Life took place, which i can say is definitely the least appealing of all Harvest Moon villages. A plus side to this is that a few new characters have been added, and Mineral Townsfolk will occasionally visit if you have the FOMT GBA cartridge. One thing different this time around in the valley are festivals, which brings a lot more to the game.

The goal in this game is to find all of the Harvest Sprites by completing tasks. The tasks all fall into 1 of 7 categories excluding secret sprites.

The game expands on crop raising by allowing the player to level up their crops by using them with a seed maker and sowing multiple bags of seeds in one spot and thus growing the next level of crop. This is extremely profitable bosting individual crops selling for millions of gp at high levels.

Mining in this game is definitely improved with the additions of accessories and tools that can be found on various levels, the player can either them or sell them off for a high price some even in the millions.un-curse Animals in this game are more interactive with the addition of the petting glove, but also become more of a hassle and are quite useless for making money.

Cooking and fishing in this game are still very basic and do not compare to other installments such as magical melody.

Overall this is a great Harvest Moon game that any HM fan would enjoy.