There are many weird problems with this game. To see what's good about this game read the tale end of this review.
As soon as I stared playing HM:DS the game glitched. There were no people in the town and I couldn't enter any buildings. I made a new file and the problem fixed itself. Everything was fine for a while.
But then, after many hours of game-play, another problem popped up. I left my farm house one winter day and there were all kinds of colors across the screen, and it wasn't my DS. I restarted the game to my last save and slept to the next day but the problem didn't fix itself. So, I made a new file......
The last thing that happened to me was on a spring day at 3:00, the game froze. I tried and tried to fix it. I slept three days and the problem was fixed.
Now, I gave it one more chance because I did enjoy it.....when it works. I like the way there is so many things to do in the mine, there are many scenes with the villagers, lots of food to cook, and many upgrades to the house.
It's also a personal farm. There's cows, chickens, ducks, and goats to raise have to be fed and rubbed everyday. There are many bachelorletts to choose from also. The one thing I don't like about the marriage requirements was the fact that I have to get the girl all the way up to red to be able to marry her. It takes like two years. Literally.
I was able to marry in one year but it took every-day visits from me and lots of gifts to get there.
It's fairly easy to collect money once you've got the "leveling" of the vegetables and fruits down pat.
The fourth time that I tried it, the game worked. I have had no problems with it now.