A new entry to the Harvest Moon series, this one brings you new items and features while retaining the familiar appeal.

User Rating: 7.9 | Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town GBA
Harvest Moon is a polarized game. People either love it or hate it. The premise of the game is simple. You (as a young boy) must strive to bring your farm to productivity. To achieve this, you will plant seeds, water them and then harvest crops. You will need to fill a barn and chicken coop with cows and sheep. Interacting with the townsfolk and giving them gifts gains you friends. When the chores get to be too much, you can relax in a spring or hire harvest sprites, little Snow White elves with Santa Claus outfits. Other diversions are the remodeling of your house and farm buildings as well as fishing and mining. You can even get married by wooing a girl and eventually having a kid. The graphics for the game are comparable to the PS1 game, Back to Nature. New features have been added such as the ability to save at any time. Now that I've mentioned the good features, I'll talk about the only real downside to the game. You are a farmer who must do countless chores each day. This game is part farming sim/part time manager. Once you work out a schedule, the game becomes easier but also more challenging. The major problem with the game is repetition. You will end up doing the same chores again and again, day after day. Another annoyance is festival days. Frequently you will find that a task you have planned for a day cannot be completed because everything closes on festival days. But despite this, anyone who is looking for an interesting and unique game should try this out. Try it before you buy it so you know if this game is good for you.