Awesome game, best in series.

User Rating: 9.7 | Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town GBA
Of all Harvest Moon (HM) games that are out so far (Back to Nature, 64, Save the Homeland, A Wonderful Life, SNES, and the 3 for Gameboy and Gameboy Color), Friends of Mineral Town (FoMT) is by far the best. It takes place in Mineral Town and is a remake of HM: Back to Nature (BTN). This game however, takes away the things that kept BTN from being perfect. This game has much faster loading times, and much, much more secrets. The button configuration will take some getting used to, but no more than 1 hour. There is an endless amount of things to do. Choose 1 of 5 pretty girls to marry, get many house or farm upgrades, and you get a dog. You also get a horse and if you're nice to it, you can ride it. There are mines you can dig in and find gems to keep or sell. There are 10 power berrys to find which will give you strength. You can raise cows and chickens. Also, you can cook. It has very good graphics for a GBA game and you can play for an unlimited number of in-game years (the game stops keeping track after 200 though). You can even save up your money and buy a whole new house!!! If you stay married for 40 or 50 years, you get a house in the mountains!!! If you link up with A Wonderful Life you get a seaside cottage on the beach!!! Trust me, you won't ever get bored with this game and if you do, start over and play the game completely different.