I played this game for a full 80 hours before writing this review, and what did i think, well its a great game in its own right, Harvest moon will be sure to satisfy anyone who wants more out of a sim game then just dating and puting things in places. I This game is a beutiful concept executed in a beutiful manner. Natsume did a great job with blending in work with play. Who woulda thought that pulling carrots from the ground could be so fun! If you are new to Sim style games it will take some getting used to, but dont let that deter you in the least from buying this game. The story line is pretty basic, you came to a farm as a child and you met an old man, he befriends you and treats you like a son, since he never had any. You keep in touch for years until suddenly he stops writing. So you go investigate what happened. What you find is a life that is waiting for you to take it. You have to buy seeds from the local market, settle some land, and start planting, and of course what Harvest moon wouldnt be complete with the Chickens! and also the cows. The Sheep are a nice addition from the super nintendo version. a few things to watch out for though, is that you can go deeper in the caves, and if you throw flowers into the water by the spa a fairy will come up and ask if you want to connect to your gamecube, if you do that for a month she will give you a power berry! its just a beutiful game.
Other Helpful Reviews for Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town
The Harvest Moon series consist of RPG games that are truly unique. It combines simulation and the RPG genres with farming, dating, business, and social interaction. When you first pop in the title, you learn that your o... Read Full Review
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town is quite simply one of the best games ever. From the moment i started to play it i was impressed by its charm and superb characters and as i continued to play i became addicted to it... Read Full Review